Pre-Race Information
Last minute deferrals, registrations, race changes
After September 20th we will not permit deferrals, registrations, or any race changes. We have planned for you in a given race and have a set field limit for each race which includes awards for the set field limit. Also, these request impact the flow of the event. The deadline is September 20th. It does not matter your reason. Sorry!
Please note: You will be unable to transfer to a sold out race.
Deferral from last year
If you deferred your participation from last year’s race, please note that it doesn’t automatically register you for this year. To join us again, you’ll need to manually register using the same email you used previously to a race that has not been sold out. Don’t worry, your credits from last year will still be applied minus the applicable fee.
Should the credits not appear at checkout, don’t hesitate to reach out to us before checking out (Tip: Make sure you’re using the same email address as last year). We’re here to help!
Lastly, when registering please remember to choose only those races that are available and not sold out prior to the September 20th date. Unfortunately, we can’t make exceptions. Thank you for your understanding, and we look forward to seeing you at the starting line! Also, if it doesn't work out for you this year, know what we open registration at the beginning of each year.
If you were too late to register because your race you wanted to run was sold out, our apologies, you can try your luck to be added to the waitlist, but there is no guarantee. Also, you won’t be able to transfer to someone else without first registering for a race in case that was something you were considering.
You’re on the Waitlist
If a spot opens up and you're next in line, we'll shoot you an email. But heads up, through September 27th you'll only have 24 HOURS TO REGISTER; thereafter, you will only have 6 HOURS TO REGISTER. If you miss the window, your spot will go to the next person, so keep an eye on your inbox (check your spam/junk folders).
NOTE: We might wrap up the waitlist just before our online registration closes if it looks like we won't fill all the race spots for certain categories. If that happens, we'll make registration first-come, first-serve. Why? Because we want to give those farther back on the waitlist a chance to get in. So, keep an eye on our Facebook posts to see if we go down that road. We will also send an email to all on the waitlist.
Wondering where you stand on the waitlist? Just head over to the DPR Registration page on UltraSignup and click the WAITLIST icon.
Do know that it’s impossible for us to know whether someone will get in based on where they’re at on the waitlist. Each year is different in terms of how fast it moves and when. Please don’t send an email just to find out what your chances are of getting in. This is the reply we’ll give you.
If you've got any unanswered questions, don't hesitate to drop us a line at
We're excited to have you as part of the DPR community, and we hope to see you at the starting line! If not, then please consider registering before August as that is generally when we’re approaching the sellout of the race. We open registration in January.
Unable to Run the Race
Please read more about your options on our registration site
No Refunds
Can transfer, but there are date (September 20, 2025) and capacity limitations. Cannot transfer or downgrade to a sold out race.
Can defer/rollover (can only rollover a single year), but there are date (by September 20, 2025) limitations and a 20% fee. Click Edit Order from your email confirmation, then tap "Cancel Registration" or log into Ultrasignup to do it. It’s a self service process. Please note, that once you cancel your registration, this will trigger the deferral, but you must manually register next year with the same email you used this year. The credit will be applied at checkout. If it's not, then please reach out to us.
If nothing else works, maybe try offering your registration up on our Facebook page. The entire transfer process must be completed by September 20, 2025 (It's also a self-service process). You will need to work out the details with the other person. We will not facilitate that process. Go through registration site for managing this. You can also refer to your confirmation email. If you forgot your login info, work with Ultrasignup to get that info.